Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God

Rank 47

List of reviews made by users for the Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God novel.

11 users have written reviews for the Rebirth of the Nameless Immortal God novel and rated it with an average score of 3.9 out of 5. Our novel is ranked 47th among all the novels in the Light Novel Pub platform.

11 Reviews

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Zyxterr 13
Chapter 1210 2 months ago

It’s an enjoyable and unpredictable novel which always keeps you on edge. the main character is extremely arrogant But he’s not just arrogant but also very clever, and strong willed. He does get nerfed pretty often tho. But he’s still overpowered even when he’s nerfed. I really enjoyed the power system and the world setting aswell. ( after the first arc ) I’d recommend you read atleast 100 chapters, before you considere dropping it since the quality get better.

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a_collectionof_cells 7
Chapter 1211 2 months ago

already had low expectations but this novel work seeded over exceeded to disappoint on even greater scale . nothing making sense, anything is happening making a complete mess .

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PrinceOfNothing 12
Chapter 1528 9 months ago

I gave it a try, as I love awaspec's novels, and it didn't disappoint. arrogant but clever mc, info dumps, good plot, very good character development (mc was a h*rny *d**t in the beginning, but he improved a lot), the only thing I don't like about the novel are the nerfs

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GianCarpio 10
Chapter 79 10 months ago

First of all the author is more invested in writing p*rn than actual cool fight scenes. You could literally fill every plot hole that exist in this novel with the s*x scenes and it will be perfect! There’s like 30 chapters built up for a half chapter of fightscene then S*X S*X S*X. Jesus. I’m tired of sexual scenes in this novel. I literally just want to get through the plot I don’t know if this is Satire, Comedy, wtc but this novel is MILES behind awespecs other novels. It’s laughable how bad the writing is compared to Grand Ancestral bloodlines. It’s like Awespecs wanted to make all the mistakes in this novel so that he knew what he SHOULD’t do when writing his current ones. It doesn’t feel as if the world is turning as the pages move. There’s a lot of random names I couldn’t care less about. There are time skips every chapter in the beginning without author letting us know also without a clear recap. I’m reading this with the feeling that I’m missing something every chapter. Bad naming sense in cultivation etc. There’s not enough depth to stuff, no momentum to anything and nothing to give me the feels even though he is writing what normally makes people cry. Why? Because everything is so ridiculous. The suspension of disbelief needed to go through this novel takes a Dao Lord with illusion techniques to believe. Also it looks like it’s the first time author came across xianxia and decided to play with it, disrespect it, and ruin all profound meaning to things. There’s no depth behind stuff like space time intent will. It’s as light as a childrens book without the lesson and depth beneath it. It’s just writing for writings sake. Even stupid popcorn novels like “Unparalled after 10 consecutive draws” have a deeper application. Here god and divine is thrown around for cheap every chapter in the first 20 chapters. And I’m tired of hearing it. So d*mn tired. Also a big problem is foreshadowing. It’s not written like a book to entice readers emotions. The entire book is written like a first draft. Example the first arc where the demon is planning on possesing them. Every paragraph it is mentioned that the demon will possess them so there’s no climax there. Just cold hard facts that does nothing for me and my emotions. I wish the author put structure in this cause story wise this could have been a good novel but the decisions the author made and the way he wrote it really brought it down If you’re looking for a better book like this check out the authors other works cause this is elementary compared to his other works which are pretty alright.

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  • AnakinSkywalker 1

    I read your review and could feel your frustration and resentment and thought it was reasonable because I know the feeling of reading something that could be good but the author ends up making countless unnecessary mistakes. But when you talked about ancestral bloodline being good right after complaining about plot holes and unnecessary s*x stuff, I lost it. Dude literally got r*p*d by a girl because he got greatly injured because of her and it was completely unnecessary and her fault and she wanted to heal him with raping him and said sh*t about "sacrificing" herself. You are insane.

    • Lazian 1

      In my opinion, I think that part was pretty funny

    • GianCarpio 10

      I dont remember that lol

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Galanoob 7
Chapter 1345 11 months ago

Yet again a typical Awspec novel. The MC is arrogant, the information overloads are frequent, but overall it's enjoyable. I deduced one star for an annoying nerf, which imo lasted to long.

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  • Zyxterr 13

    The one that lasted 300/400 chapters? When he’s soul was sealed.

    • Galanoob 7


      • Zyxterr 13

        If you’ve caught up to the recent chapters, can you tell me what Dyon named his clan/sect/empire?

      • Galanoob 7

        I didn’t. At the time I read till 1300 and seated stacking chaps. But maybe u find what u are looking for in the wiki. If u not mind some spoilers.

        Edited: 2mo
      • Zyxterr 13

        I checked the wiki but didn’t find anything. I’m the one who edited most of the stuff on the wiki in the first place back when i was reading this novel. There was some other guys who added some info/beautified the wiki, but they didn’t add much, instead they removed some of the info i added… that’s why i asked you. Anyways I’ll ask in the comment section, maybe some frequent reader will reply.

        Edited: 2mo
      • Galanoob 7

        I'm reading Profane Prince at the moment. Afterwards I think I will start reading Nameless Immortal God again. But certainly not from the beginning 😂. Maybe we can complete the wiki this way. Wanna exchange dc names?

      • Zyxterr 13

        I’m about to reread it from the beginning, since I’ve forgotten 50% of the plot. Last time i read it i was always slightly anxious, since, you know how this author likes to nerf his mcs. This time I’ll be able to read it in a much more relaxed manner. Anyways.. I want to finish the wiki aswell. so we can finish the wiki if you want. DC: zyxtrr Also, If I’m right the novel’s going to end somewhere between chapter 2300/2500. So it’s going to be finished soon.

        Edited: 2mo
      • Galanoob 7

        Yeah u are right. Maybe will start from the beginning as well, but it was so hard reading the first 150 chaps… I send u a request. Name is the same as here.

        Edited: 2mo
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Stayer 3
Chapter 125 one year ago

I like the setting, the cultivation and even the MC. However I cant get over the horniness of the MC, there is a in world explanation for it but that's bs and you know it. Also it seems to be a theme in the books of the author for the MC to start as a monogamist and then be "forced" by the world and his love interest to start a harem. I don't know if it happens in this one but I assume he will also "learn" that actually having a harem just means he loves his first wife even more, like what bs are you selling. Also 3 stars might be a little low but I cant with good conscious give it more. If the author didnt have such an obsession with that kind of setting he might be one of the top webnovel original writers.

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Illiterate 10
Chapter 1174 one year ago

The story is really well written and as always the author does a great job of bringing the world and characters to life. The power system, the romance, the big brain plays that the character makes are all done really well. Definitely one of my favorite novels. Awespec novels are all within my top 5!

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TheBigSad50 6
Chapter n/a one year ago

One of my favorites. Awespec always producers quality but out of the three he's made that I have read this one and dimensional descent are my favorite novels I think I have every read. Excellent character development. The mc is both understanding but not a doormat. (My only dislike of dimensional descent was that due to his intelligence he could understand the point of view of others and allowed himself to be stepped on for a good portion of the story). Amazing world building. Best cultivation world I have read. Harem has substance, the female leads have depth. No NTR which is great. Understandable and engaging battles. Satisfying.

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Tjxspursbob 3
Chapter 1177 one year ago

Dyon is that guy, NOOBENEL from dimensional descent should learn a thing or two from him and Ryu. Dyon be getting those roast beef flaps like he Dario Cecchini.

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  • DivineChaos 5


User_ 6
Chapter 1177 one year ago

This is the second Awespec novel that I’ve read, the first being Grand Ancestral Bloodlines. Since the latter was so compelling that I was impatiently waiting for more, I decided to try this one. And it didn’t disappoint. It is apparently the rewritten/edited version of one of Awespec’s completed novels, and it shows that he used his experience to polish this novel into something truly worth reading. I found the beginning to be very well done, definitely establishing a connection between Dyon and the reader. Some might find his character to be too arrogant, though this becomes very important as the story progresses. And don’t worry, just because he’s arrogant, this doesn’t mean that he makes stupid decisions. He’s quite smart, which gives the novel a comfortable flow.

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