Return of the Frozen Player

Rank 100

List of reviews made by users for the Return of the Frozen Player novel.

43 users have written reviews for the Return of the Frozen Player novel and rated it with an average score of 4.7 out of 5. Our novel is ranked 100th among all the novels in the Light Novel Pub platform.

43 Reviews

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The_Heavenly_Scribe 10
Chapter aw 3 days ago

("Do you really expect to save everyone without sacrificing anyone?" "Even if I can save one person with my life, then I am confident I will!" ) - So basically the tone and vibe of the whole novel can be seen from the dialogue above. The whole novel is based on 'heroism' where the MC struggles his way to clear all floors in the tower while preventing everyone from dying by letting himself be the sacrifice. It has a well written plot that engages reader often making you hype for what is to come. The only thing that might disappoint you here is that there was much more potential to lengthen the whole plot near the climax of the novel. Nevertheless, you would still be satisfied by the end as it ended really well. Rated it 8. 5 out of 10!

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Makks325 1
Chapter aw 5 days ago

I’m so emotional! I’ve been reading this for more than a month, and I truly enjoyed it! This is truly a masterpiece. The plot is so familiar yet really unique. The characters are great, all of them! Although I kinda wished for more Kim Woojung + Seo Junho bromance hahaha! To anyone checking to see if this is worth the read, YES IT DEFINITELY IS! Thank you to the translation team!

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AeonHeals 4
Chapter 642 5 days ago

Fun read. I really recommend it. The author makes a very interesting use of parallel universes and timelines, the main characters are likeable, the story is interesting, the ending is satisfying.

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OmniscientBinger 7
Chapter 374 14 days ago

This novel exemplifies the concept of wasted potential, at least for the amount of chapters I read. For the first ~200 chapters, the author fixates on the most boring/generic antagonist group I’ve read, and essentially puts the entire tower concept on the back burner until the 300s or so. The characters are incredibly basic, especially the MC, and haven’t gotten much character development in the slightest as of chapter 371 (there are 628 chapters). There are a lot of arcs that are downright filler (I’m looking at you Butcher) and the author even reuses some concepts. The fights are somehow even more boring; out of 371 chapters, there were 2 fights where the MC struggled. Overall, this is a generic story with generic characters with an even more boring antagonist with boring writing and boring fights, when it could’ve been much more interesting given the frozen player premise.

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Yuszaf 2
Chapter aw 23 days ago

Ok, so without going into too much of a spoiler, The story taught me about courage, perseverance and most of all, not giving up until the very end. The story is also about cherishing others, (especially frost queen) and the importance of having friends. In the novel, the main character would have died over thousands of time if it weren't for the connections that he made between frost queen, his friends(the 5 heroes), and the heavens. My sorta bad review about it is theres quite a lot of plot holes. I won't get too into it, but at the end, there were some bizarre plot holes that I hope get answered, although it probably never will. Overall great series, towards the first half a 9/10, towards the second half 7/10. The final fight is fire though. Loved that. And the Ending is sweet too.

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a_collectionof_cells 6
Chapter 454 one month ago

still reading so my views might change but till now story manages to intrests me . i specialy liked story of 4th floor very well written . now the cons mc's personality reads very bookish or plain but it's very hard to write a good one so ignorable 2nd thing also very basic problems with such novels, got bored in middle and had to take a break.

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SunkingsAvatar 13
Chapter aw one month ago

It is a good novel just little short of being great. I loved the interaction between MC and his adorable spirit a lot. Growth in character of nearly all of MCs friends is commendable. The author tried to give a good explanation on how hard MCs friends tried to achieve their powers. 4th floor was especially well written. Overall a worth read novel that had an ok ending. Misleading 'Romance' tag

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Ace24 5
Chapter 232 one month ago

I think I have a very high standard for MC's character. 😅 He's ok. . well not really. . Junho frustrates me most of the time. He has good points like he is not the kind of MC that has the character of 'self righteousness' (major turn off for me, glad he's not) but he is arrogant. Its the kind of arrogance that came from over-confidence. Its very subtle though that if you're not really paying attention you'll easily pass it. It would have been fine in another genre, but bot this one. One wrong step and you'll die. But of course he is the main character so he has plot armor and that is a major turn off for me. 🥲 Im always frustrated everytime he won a fight by LUCK. d*mn it.

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Adara 3
Chapter aw one month ago

What I adore the most in this novel is the dedication of the author to show how the players not only 'gain and use' their skills but tries to show as much as possible on how they acquire it, learn about it, improve, utilize, and even learn from it as well. This novel not only gave chance for the characters to grow with their skills and personality but even shared with us how they learn from it. Every decision they made, every time they climbed the floors, the story did not fail to show the character development properly. It also gave some fair space for the readers to immerse well with the MC's pov, allowing us to cry, feel hurt, laugh, be disappointed and have hope together with the characters in the story. It's worth all the read until the end!

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TwinPeaks 1
Chapter aw one month ago

Absolutely amazing novel, it was my first and I fell in love with it. The character development; the emotional moments; the moments of dispair; The absolutely perfect ending and last couple of chapters, thank you

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