The First Legendary Beast Master novel is a popular light novel covering Fantasy, Action, and Adventure genres. Written by the Author Aoki_Aku. 496 chapters have been translated and translations of other chapters are in progress.
The First Legendary Beast Master novel is a popular light novel covering Fantasy, Action, and Adventure genres. Written by the Author Aoki_Aku. 496 chapters have been translated and translations of other chapters are in progress.
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Comments on the novel chapters for the last week.
on the way to 200 ch in later stage, can u spoil me will he go adventure or still with goverment beurau military or whatever it is ?
The novel has a somewhat plodding, going over every little detail-style that is both a slight negative and a positive. It means you'll be finishing up a great battle and then reading multiple chapters about debriefing on the events to the government, repairing torn armor and catching up on missed math classes. These chapters seem annoying, but at the same time somehow help flesh out the world so it isn't just stumbling across some never before seen ruin and getting a plot armor fight + a powerup, into a timeskip where you get the next powerup. The author includes a lot of slightly cringe dialogue, makes you feel like you're reading really dated reddit trends, 'smol sneks', 'danger fluffs' and slightly cringe jokes are smattered throughout. Still really enjoyed it, easy 4/5 for me and I wish there was more chapters.
Does improving their rank/grade increase their lifespan ??
Gonna check this out since this has been in no 2 in web novel for sometime now Though not really trusting on web novel these days... Just hope that i'll be surprised in a good way
I feel like the author has so much potential in their writing, I really enjoy the flow and no one feels particularly undesigned. It’s like the author maxed out his world building and character design and forgot to spec in conflict and drama. Suspense creates anticipation, anticipation creates excitement, excitement means more readers. It’s a terrible loop that every one of the top stories on this site follows to a tee. Hope I’m not wrong in my beliefs and will stick with this story till I absolutely hate it.
Just my opinion: 4/10 The author dwells too much on the small details, and in many places, it reads almost like a daily journal instead of a story. You normally are trying to pack in the story and events within a certain amount of chapters, so you don't want to use up space on how meals changed, what became favorite foods, boring aspects of daily training, and so on.
Somebody please tell the name of the realms for power progression
decent 6/10 nothing special but good to waste time
I typically have between 10-15 novels pending I. my library waiting g for updats and this read has quickly become my favorite. The bare bones basics needed for a good read are a good plot, well developed characters, and sound writing style. I'd say this has all 3 in heaps. I genuinely enjoy the characters as they are written and as their interpersonal relationships develope, especially mc's summons. It's a great mix of lighter dialogue with more intricate story weaving. It stays light and believable even though there are no major setbacks yet. The author had alluded that there will be more trials in the future though in several paragraphs with heavy foreshadowing. I'm looking forward to this asi feel it will help develop the plot even more. All-in-all I'd 100% recommend this to anyone that's looking for a fun read that isn't so dark or intense.
I love a good tamer story, but this is way too fantastical. I'm 120ish chapters in, and the main character has suffered no adversity. Everything's easy, his teachers try to solve all his problems for him. Nobody is seriously jealous of him, he has no ambitions besides getting stronger, and he has no enemies. All this despite the fact that he loves in an authoritarian dictatorship that nobody dislikes, simply because they're are monsters that can kill them, and the government stops that... I guess? This is basically a slice of life novel pretending it isn't. I haven't checked out any of the newer novels on the site, but after trying this, I'm open to recommendations.