This Earth Is A Bit Fearsome
This Earth Is A Bit Fearsome novel is a popular light novel covering Eastern Fantasy, Fantasy, and Action genres. Written by the Author Fu Xiaochen. 1292 chapters have been translated and translations of other chapters are in progress.
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I read 100 chapters and I don't think this is any good I was hoping for something new but this ias same old Chinese novel u can find anywhere
sad the life of those who gave up because of this disastrous start...
Any romance???
wow. . . I can't believe I've read this to chapter 700+ before and I came back to re-read it becuz I forgot what happened but no thanks, I'll passed. I'll summary like maybe 500-600 chapters for u if u interest. MC got overpower, killed enemies and go "missing" or hiding for a bit then come out to clean up more enemy becuz they got power up, repeat. . .
a celestial lord being a bodyguard for a month hahaha, what a fantastic novel.. stop reading this novel, for godsake, the moment that sht happened I just hit ctrl + w and this novel is basically, the mc is rescuing everyone who got into trouble because ofc the people around him is a bunch of dead weight, what I mean about everyone is literally everyone, theres no chapter that someone does not ask him to help them and he refuses.. he just go "lets go" bs... this is superman in light novel
Chapter 75 is a repeat.