Discord Server (Locked Publicly) & Subscription (Updated)

May 19, 2023

Unfortunately I had to lock the public part of the server, it will only be available for supporters. The requirements to join the Discord server no longer matter. I apologize to those who tried to join the server during this process. Actually I did my best, but I couldn't manage the trolls.

It was not something I could handle. Dealing with a lot of trolls and morons and tolerating them is not for me. Discord needs a team and resources and I don't have time to build this network. It's overwhelming enough to deal with both the website and the mobile app development.

No user is kicked off the server, you will be actively connected. Announcements will be done through the server. Please, please, please do not ask questions about public access to the server. With my current decision, it will not be public unless I organize a serious discord team.

Keep reading novels...

Become a supporter;

Well, the discord server will remain active so you can become a supporter. The #paid-subscription channel has the steps you need to follow. Make sure to set up a discord link on your profile page after you've completed the subscription process.

To access the Discord server: https://discord.gg/DKA8sgAMpZ


User Comments

  • Ryuutoo 1

    Please update The S-Classes That I Raised in NV already updated! ^-^

  • Crazed 65

    Novel recommendations if you want smart MCs and decent plot: Myth Beyond Heaven. Fallen Chronicles. Haven’t finished reading them tho but I think they’ll turn out okay, would be nice if admin could add them to this site.

    Edited: 1mo
    • DemonOfHopelessness 42

      Lvl 58 already?? Wild 💀 Keep going my g 💪

      • Crazed 65

        Level 62 now🤔, and you made this comment 28 days ago, guess I go up 1 level every 7 days🫠

      • DemonOfHopelessness 42

        Dude... You don't have to flex rn 😭😭🙏🏾

      • Crazed 65


      • Apollon 62

        It is only right to flex if you have a high-level

      • Crazed 65

        It’s been 21 days and I’m now level 65, so 7 days it is. I’ll be back when I hit level 70 in 35 days☕️

    • View More Replies
  • DemonOfHopelessness 42

    I have a question admin Do you add new novels every new month or is the schedule different?

  • Guliedistodiez 44

    My ascension is nigh. The heavens on high are mine. Attempting to reach the level of BruhGuy. May not succeed, but might as well try. Many have seen my comments, many have seen my replies. After the Great Reset, I had to climb. To get to this level, it took time. Along this journey, some of my comments were charged with crimes. 3836 comments, 37349 likes, 581 people who were unkind. Many people call me a fool. I agree with them. Cause I'm ascending like I'm Klein!

    • CodaRyu 8

      I bid you good luck and fortune, may your karmic climb to the sun be quick, successful, and thus done, Well, this discussion has been fun, but I've stuff to do and must run!

  • No_AnHh_ 20

    Admin If j*p romance novels are possible Please add Angel next door spoils me rotten.. Thank you

    • Sumer 56

      J*p is censored??

      • No_AnHh_ 20

        Weird sh*t I should've used jp instead

  • erteyb 33

    NetherClaw, could you please add Superhunt in the next batch🙏

  • Sumer 56

    Two months, no updates on Return of the mount hua sect

  • Sumer 56

    Thank you Admin (≧▽≦)(≧▽≦) you kept your promise and the other novels in this batch are also good!! (^∇^)ノ♪(^∇^)ノ♪ ( /^ω^)/♪♪

    Edited: 2mo
  • Makya 4

    Please please add🥹 . hoarding in hell . Return to player . Dungeon reset . The greatest estate developer

    Edited: 3mo
    • NetherClaw

      The novels you suggested have only published about 40 chapters. It is not clear whether they will keep being translated. I usually expect at least 100+ chapters.

      • Makya 4

        I understand. I read hoarding in hell tho there's more than 100 ch its just that there's grammar mistakes . Thanks tho hope they will be uploaded here soon.

      • Kobra1kai 1

        Hello, sorry to bother you, admin, how can I contact you?

    • Sumer 56

      Is greatest estate developer novel good? Tbh the manhwa art is what makes it so funny...

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  • Sumer 56

    Trash of the count's family and return of the mount hua sect haven't updated for a month!! ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽
