Text-to-speech Audio Feature Issue

Mar 11, 2021

Dear readers,

The text-to-speech function has been disabled for a while. There has been a problem on the Trinity Audio side and they are working on it to fix it. I ask you to wait patiently for the process to be completed. I will be sharing it with you when the problem is fixed or extended.

Remember that this is a feature that cannot be found anywhere. Please do not make comments such as "Why removed", "Add back immediately", "Fix this problem immediately". It is a free feature and a feature that I need from time to time because I am a reader like you. Of course, books were created for reading, not for listening ...

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Trinity Audio won't return. The daily price they want is so high that it is still not enough for everybody here to donate even 1 dollar a day. That's why I'm so sorry ...

Important Edit:

A new Text-to-speech voice feature has been implemented. I tested it for a while and I think it will work for now. Not as realistic as the Trinity Audio system but better than nothing :)

User Comments

  • lnwUser35514 1

    Why the feature is not showing is there any way??

  • Vor8ious 1

    Hi; because I suffer with visual problems that have been getting progressively getting worst; l was very glad to find a site with a built in text to speach service. Loosing this service forced me to look in to possible alternitives. My prefered browser is the light weight web browser Duckduckgo (It does have ad block, but it can be site specificaly disabled). By installing and configuring the T2S (free) service app, and selecting the browsers' (built in) share fuction to select the T2S (speak) not (open) app; it then allowes for a reasonablely pleasent experiance. However, there is a down side; each, and every chapter needs to be individualy sellected each, and every time. Mayby, this will help.

  • lnwUser27896 1

    hi the text-to-speech is not working

  • Aloshy 1

    Is thare a way to remove the problem of current text to audio

  • jesperfgh 1

    Did u remove the temporary text 2 speach wont work at All now. Wasnt great but better then nothing Hello guyes did the text 2 speech go away or id it only mine that does not work the button listen 2 this is stil ther but No sound when i play it

  • Tyman847 1

    I found a good text to speech converter. PC(its a firefox addon): Read Aloud: A Text to Speech Voice Reader Android/others? Voice Aloud Reader

  • Cannibality 1

    Thanks for your hard work on this. If the issue is high traffic, could you restrict Trinity audio to paid accounts? As others have said, we highly value that function. I primarily listen to novels and others are probably in the same boat. I'd happily pay a subscription fee for a high quality autoreader. I get that the new one is what you could manage, and appreciate it's hard work, but the step down in quality from the prior voice is jarring. Combined with the audio watermarks, I find it pretty unpleasant to use.

  • Ladyharu 1

    Hi. This is unelated to the topic but I don't where to send an inquiry. I"ve just doscovered and just started reading "the ranker who lives twice", however I can't seem to find it anymore. Was it removed? Thank you for taking your time to read this and hoping to receive a reply.

    • NetherClaw

      It was asked to be removed by the copyright owners, otherwise we could be in a difficult situation. That's why it was removed from the website. This is clearly stated on the page of the novel.

    • highcarbon 1

      I noticed it yesterday and over geared is gone too. I guess what happened a couple of month's ago is why

      • PsiManga 1

        OVERGEARED is gone again FML 😨😭

    • View More Replies
  • lnwUser44630 1

    You guys can try pocket, it's a lot better imo

  • lnwUser11021 1

    New text to speech has big issues on phone and they are all related to read this chapter at light novel world commercial it bugs my phone so much that text to speech is unlisanable and then it just stops somtimes affter this commercial and wont start for like 3 to 4 min sometimes even 5 min then 5 or 6 of text to speech voices in one time start speaking at the same time for a min and you lose whole chapter ... i cant allways be on phone to restart when working so its annoying is there any fix for this phone is one plus 7t pro browser is Chrome plz help by the way on PC everytning works perfectly fine and is amazing even better that old one .. but i need help for phone if anyone got a fix plz do tell
