Back to the Apocalypse novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adult, and Adventure genres. Written by the Author Ye Yo. 131 chapters have been translated and translation of all chapters was completed.
Back to the Apocalypse novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adult, and Adventure genres. Written by the Author Ye Yo. 131 chapters have been translated and translation of all chapters was completed.
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Wow the story really suck the ml just go killing everyone including children,elderly and innocent bystander who got caught by bandit at base just bcoz the stupid mc own fault keep those nucleus zombie lvl 1 on space and his body pass out bcoz too much power from those nucleic ?? What fking awful story just heighten about how wonderful love stories between 2 ppl mc n ml?? D*mn I fking quite halfway now cant bear to read such story where humanity no longer exists!!! Stupid mc and *ssh*l* ml damnnn. Those yaoi reader lover if you read make sure to not loose your own humanity!!! How come just killed everyone and only help your own group who only have 2 women? Than how come human will survive? Mc only think about himself and how he only care with ml? Even if their head full of love should at least leave the innocent human live and go fk each other after leave the rest ppl and lock up on his dimension!! Sad I thought this yaoi will be good story but it's dark story only care about op mc n ml
good story, it hurts the rushed ending, the good thing is that in the middle of the story they give us a brief hint of the future.
F*ck... Yaoi
Have read this about 5 times and love it every time!!
I love the story line but the translation makes it hard to follow the sentences don't make sense when put together. I am so sad I was looking forward to it! Ps: If anyone knows where to find a better translation can you please tell me. Edit: The writing does make sense but it kinds feels wrong and there are mistakes like sometimes a word is missing an s or the sentence is missing a word or has the wrong word.