Solo Farming In The Tower
Solo Farming In The Tower

Solo Farming In The Tower

Farming in the tower alone

598 Chapters 3.83M Views 7.24K Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Solo Farming In The Tower novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, and Fantasy genres. Written by the Author Lee Hae-kyung. 598 chapters have been translated and translations of other chapters are in progress.


One day, a mysterious tower suddenly appeared in the city. The people decided to call it a dungeon, and while it was full of rugged terrain and dangerous monsters, it was also a land of opportunity, where countless treasures awaited. When Sejun, a young man living an ordinary life, is invited to the dungeon by chance, he is thrilled at the prospect of becoming rich, but he is stranded in a hidden area of the mysterious tower. All he has is a few seeds and his body. Now Sejun must farm, collect resources, and figure out his own survival strategy!

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Comments on the novel chapters for the last week.

: 2 comments on Chapter 6: Awakening.
: 1 comment on Chapter 472: You're in big trouble.
: 1 comment on Chapter 594: Christmas Miracle (1)
: 1 comment on Chapter 595: Christmas Miracle (2)
: 1 comment on Chapter 451: Why is a Dragon Appearing Here?!
  • bahushrns 4

    I read anywhere from 50 to 90 chapters back when this had less than 150 chapters. Can anyone tell me if he went outside or if he has contact with people outside. Maybe some romance?

    • SuigetsuHyuga 1

      He has a romance with the dragon Aileen so...

    • r2spro 1

      he does eventually get contact with people outside but i’m around 250 and he’s still stuck inside, moved around a bit more inside the tower tho.

      • harryht 7

        up to date, still kinda stuck inside. it costs him gold to leave the tower but he does it once or twice.

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  • vialactea 4

    perfect for turning off your brain and having fun 4/5

  • bigregressorultrabro 1

    hmmm id say that the biggest issur with this series is that conflict is not really that big of a deal and it’s settled quickly (i saw this brought up a few times). i think the issue is that people come in expecting one thing, but they get something different. the story mainly has a focus as a slice of life, and generally conflicts in slice of life are meant to be solved quickly. i think the issue is that the story tries to do to much with these conflicts by inflating the magnitude of the threat and then it just deflates. however thats not necessarily a bad thing. i think if you come in expecting a pretty wholesome slice of life then its a good read, but if you expect something that is more action packed and grind focused like other stories this is def not for you. (u can also see this in a lot of the criticm that ppl have). id say its like 3.8/5 or so (mebbe a bit higher up to 4) above average, worth a read if you like slice of life with mild action.

    Edited: 1mo
  • SuigetsuHyuga 1

    This novel is actually pretty interesting, funny, enjoyable but it's not for everyone and has some big problems. The author often wastes too much time on cooking parts, sometimes it seems that he uses this novel to write down his own recipes, not just that but he also loses a lot of time describing the food while they are eating it. The MC's power level, I don't expect MC to be overpowered but even in chapter 500's MC is still weaker than low floors beings when he should be much more powerful than them at that point. He is just shown to be much weaker than he should be, also author often forgets some of his powers. The author goes way too far with enslaving, I mean I'm willing to let it pass when he makes someone who attacks him into a slave, but at some point he is just trading a meal for slavery, but it gets worse because the people he is enslaving are the ones who helped him get the food in the first place, he is literally enslaving people in exchange for cooking their food.

  • Escaland 1

    Very good novel... although they never give any idea of what happened to the little giant... depending on what Theo was creating... and the ending was very rushed... only 724 or 723 chapters depending on where you're watching it... I would also have preferred to see the wedding of According to and the dragon or at least Theo and Lona getting married but nothing...

    • Fizelel 1

      Are you from the future or something?

      • harryht 7

        probably used a machine translation to read the original korean version. not the best grammar and things but you get the point. I rather wait for the proper translated version.

  • Gaddy 4

    Should Change the title from Solo Farming in the Tower to Enslaving the Whole Tower. Story showed a whole lot of promise in the beginning, then took a down hill nose dive. Protagonist nor his companions don't mature or grow until around chapter 300. MC also encourages bad behavior and does not correct any of them, especially when it comes to thieving and enslaving people just for looking at them wrong. Early side characters like the rabbits get dropped into nothingness for a lot of chapters until it becomes convenient. Author has a Slave Kink so expect a lot of that. Author even justifies why slaves are important in story and how it's the good type of slavery. I've read up to ch 400 and then dropped it cause the slavery stuff is just too much and stupid, more so when there is no validity to a majority of it and the punishment does not fit the crime, yet Author justifies 3billion coins just for telling the MC to go away when the MC is the one trespassing.

    • TheCrimsonMoon 1

      dirty water on the novel? i havent seen any of the things you mentioned... maybe we are reading different things

      • Gaddy 4

        Unless you're letting the slave stuff glaze over your eye balls and about how Theo is basically forcing people in to slavery over the littlest things such as looking at him wrong cause hes not getting what he wants and charging them X amount while giving them a "job" to pay back the debt. How he comes into someone's office and start taking things cause they attract his paws (ie. The comissioners office). There is also how the dumb bear keeps threatening people (ie the protagonist) just cause he's so hungry even though he just ate a whole storage room of food. Food the MC made grew himself btw. The MC also rewarding bad behavior and justifying it as "he's just a baby" when said baby did it over and over again. Then we probably are reading a different novel. Cause I'm pretty sure all of that happened over the course of 300 chapters alone.

        Edited: 1mo
      • TheCrimsonMoon 1

        Slavery? Huh thats a sensitive topic... but picture this... your some random side minor villan young master ping pong of the pong family and you try to steal a jade like beauty from a random guy who is secretely overpowered... would it be better to die or survive? or picture this, after working hard for your county for a lifetime, you have many riches and connections, that is to say using the power gotten from hard work to help those people you like is not allowed? Maybe you have a pet cat, you love it a lot, it is considered your closest friend, one day random weak people come disturbing your tranqil life and makes your close friend the cat angry, how can the lives of the weak be compared with the closest friend of a strong person's anger? It cant! thats just like a lot of real life problems... oh no there is no justice?! I must be delusional! how can there be no justice, the world is fair and laws are made for everyone, we are treated all the same or are we? ahh! it is their fault

      • Gaddy 4

        Brother. They literally call it slavery in the story??? Hello??? They even call Theo the Slave Maker or something. You're just coping at this point and making up excuses why that's reasonable to put in the story repeatedly for 300+ chs. My point still stands, they're still enslaving the whole tower instead of just farming at this point. You're also making the same excuse as the author why slavery is "good and well" within the story because they "help" the people. 🤣🤣🤣 "Slavery is a sensitive topic" LOL OKAY Straight up calls them slaves in the story and gotta work for their entirely life to pay off debts that doesn't justify the crime most of the time. You talk justice, but I'm just saying this is bad story telling when it repeats the same topic and it's a bad topic at that. Theo even gets a power boost for having so many slaves at the end. Brother be serious. I'm done talking to you. Just enjoy your bad story 🤣🤣🤣 I wasted enough time reading it already.

      • TheCrimsonMoon 1

        Ok tell me, would you rather be a slave or be dead? Is it right for the victors to do anything to the losers?

      • Gaddy 4

        Let me ask you one better. Why did he enslaved the people he "saved"? Example that little bird messenger and or that pig later? He saved them so why did he make them into slaves? Did they try to kill him? No. They asked for help, he saved them, and his first instincts was "hey you're my slave now if you don't pay x amount". So what about that? Point still stands he still makes slave out of everyone over the littlest things right? Even when the pig could pay it off, everytime he saves the pig he keeps trying to enslave him and Theo gets mad when he can't cause the pig could pay back that ridiculous amount of money. He only got the pig to be a "slave" cause the pig character is naive and he fooled him. Bro get your coping and excuses out of here. Stop defending the bad writing and just enjoy it. Don't come for me either over my review of the novel cause I actually read it up to 400 chapters. 🤣🤣🤣 Trying to prove your point, but instead proving my point instead. Laughable. K! Bye FR!

      • TheCrimsonMoon 1

        But the book is on hypothetical stuff, just like how some people like to roleplay as n*z* in war games and commit warcrimes maybe the author is like roleplaying here?

      • JayHonnan 1

        I'm going to rewrite what I said in one of the chapters. A Light Novel is a romance between a man and a dragon, there is no challenge, just a peaceful journey. In the case of slaves, the system is flawed, slavery takes into account two points when stamping, the power of both parties. Theo has an uncontrollable desire to enslave. Sometimes he tries to justify, or simply enslave, the elf leader who was enslaved by Theo even when he was going to pay for the food, encouraged by the MC. This all happened because Theo had a burst of power after Aila's first appearance. Theo bullies everyone into giving him what he wants and he is extremely arrogant. Now about the power calculation... we don't know, MC is weak regardless of what he wins. I'm just reading it because I want to see where it goes, but there's really nothing interesting or exciting about it. In the end, even the creator God will likely be humiliated and enslaved, even though he respected Sejun in the beginning.

    • PessimismDaily 5

      Thank you for saving me the time that I would have spent on this novel

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  • FNAVi_San 1

    Happy 500th chapter ! ! !. Congratulation Author. Many thanks to our deligent translator working for this story. Being excited for this chill story to grow more, characters to build up more. And the romance. Thanks.

    • Ren_Zu 1

      What's your pfp

    • Kazt 3

      Mate not to rain in your parade, but you know that this page is stealing the chapters from the official channels right ?

      • FNAVi_San 1

        Well who cares. I also wonder why your here if you don't like stolen things. The sarcasm. Thank you anyway in pointing the obvious.

      • Kazt 3

        The author cares, I told you that as I saw you writing as if you were expecting or congratulating the author of the novel, so I assumed that you thought that he would read it, guess not. I apologize for pointing your ignorance and upset you.

      • FNAVi_San 1

        Sorry for being arrogant with this and being pointed for being a hassle for being ignorant. For I know of nothing of this channels you are talking about, and I'm just here on this site showing my support to the author in my own way and enthusiasm with his story as this site showing up on my grid as l am looking for the site that are translating it the earlier and a little constant than other. Well makes we wonder what's your story seeing my post if this is some ripped off channel, what drifts you on my post. Thanks anyway.

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  • OnionBhaji 6

    Is there romance in this?

  • harryht 7

    any novels like this to recommend? im looking for a super relaxing read.

    • FNAVi_San 1

      Some Chill reading. Just fun and no heavy harem. Medium world building or village/city building?. Just skim it thru if it's you've been asking for. Ciao and enjoy.

  • AnimeOverlord856 18

    Honest this one of those situations where the manhwa is better because the story is really not serious, it a is nice and relaxing read but only as a manhwa because the cute characters and expressions really help the story especially with small characters like the rabbits and hamster

    • KnightOfTribulations 1

      True, but I can't see the manhwa going more than 200 chapters without being shortened or axed. Sure it's really cute, but when there is over 1000 chapters of this stuff and can only make 1 chapter per week, it would take 18.52 years to release the whole thing. So I'm thinking that this is going to be shortened, same with Overgeared.
