Super Necromancer System
Super Necromancer System

Super Necromancer System

RANK 442
443 Chapters 2.12M Views 4.61K Bookmarked Ongoing Status

Super Necromancer System novel is a popular light novel covering Fantasy, Romance, and School Life genres. Written by the Author John_Doever. 443 chapters have been translated and translations of other chapters are in progress.


In a world full of caped superheroes, supervillains, and monsters, Aldrich is worthless. 95% of humanity has evolved to develop superpowers, but Aldrich is one of the rare few that has no powers at all.

Because of his lack of powers, Aldrich suffers relentless bullying and discrimination. Society looks down on him as a burden. He is reminded everyday that he is better off dead than alive.

Yet one day, at the height of his despair, after Aldrich is spat on, beaten, and broken, when it seems like everything is taken from him, a familiar screen appears in front of him: a screen from his favorite fantasy role playing game giving him the chance to wield the power he has only ever dreamed of.

[Welcome, Host. Choose your Class:]

[Class: Necromancer selected]

Watch as Aldrich rises from weak to strong.

From suffering to finding vengeance.

From standing alone to commanding undead legions.

From mere man to Lord of Death itself.

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  • Rouneri 13

    It's better if author just stop writing. Than writing something stupid. Just because he run out of inspiration. Like when I will look at this novel later. I will say - that was a good novel, I wonder if it completed (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠) Than say - that basterd author ruined it.(⁠ʘ⁠言⁠ʘ⁠╬⁠)

  • Letmedreaminpeaceyou 8

    anyone know what's gonna happen any new chapters anytime soon

  • BunnyWing 10

    I read this when it first went on hiatus but I don't remember much other than I liked it. Now i see some new chapters, and well, I've been hurt before, but im a s*ck*r for punishment. Time to start reading from the begining and hope more chapters come out before I reach then end.

  • JuniorProgrammer 15

    Anyone knows if its dropped or smt?

  • niet 8

    from the same author as alien system? should be good. too bad he dropped all his works..

    • Nexus180 6

      He dropped this one as well 2+ years ago, but then out of the blue released about 20 chapters a month ago

      • lnwUser121243 1

        Do you know if it will resume with the release of the chapters?

      • Nexus180 6

        No clue

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  • OrderosUchiha 1

    Hi can anyone tell me in which chapter he visits the hammerhead chairman’s house ? I had caught up till then and left to hibernate but forgot which chapter it was

    • Trideum 6

      I too am in need of this information for the exact same reason

  • C3NS0R3D 3

    This was gold until author dropped now im sad :c

  • IgnotusM 8

    This is a novel for "edgy" kids or people that don't read a lot. At the end of the day, this is just revenge p/orn. Just not well written. The villains are so bad that it's hard for me to be mad at them because I just keep picturing the author making them act stupid. Reminder, supposedly he lives in a very discriminatory world, where if you're not super powered you're treated like you're not even the same species. Yet for some reason he enrolls in a backwater Hero Academy. This makes no sense, it'd be like a Jew in the height of N*z* Germany going to a N*z* controlled school, willingly. Like you're just gonna be abused and disappeared. Yet they want us to believe MC is smart and still chose this. We have teachers being physcially abusive right in the open, in a world where cameras and live streaming exist. It just makes no sense.

    • RickyTaylor 5

      Im only just started getting into this but i have to disagree with your last section at least. The motivation and reasons for joining Academy are clearly defined and shown within first few chapiters and make perfect sense to the story. Easiest way to define this is he is mentally broken and driven. Think batman.

      • IgnotusM 8

        No this isn't like Batman. It would be more like Magneto going to a N*z* college. It just isn't a smart idea. The thing is the author paints a picture of an openly discriminatory society but MC decides to have MC go to a university in said discriminatory socity. It's a freed slave in the north going to the south for education. It's just not a smart idea.

      • RickyTaylor 5

        You keep making wrong comparisons which just proves you don't seem to understand the world created here. Lets take your freed slave as example. There is no actually choice between University in North or South. Its either you go to university or you don't go at all. Even if you get a subpar education from said university and have lots discrimination, I think we all really know what smart choice is there. We also learn, not sure where about this comment was in story (so added spoiler tab), that this is actually more of a Villian raising Academy, so if anything the discrimination that we see is on the more extreme end of what i would assume would be norm due to the budding Villian midset of even pupils.

      • IgnotusM 8

        You seem to be the one not understanding. If the author describes this world as so discriminatory that people without superpowers are treated as not even human. Then of course it would make more sense to not go to college. Imagine being a Jew in N*z* Germany, or a freed slave trying to go to college in the south. If the society is as cruel as the author tries to make it out, then of course duds shouldn't go there. The author wants to have his cake and eat it too. On the one hand he describes the discrimination of the duds in a severe sense to the point that teens feel they can kill them and get away with it. On the other hand, he creates a government that seems to care for duds, and sets the setting as a technological place. In real life, thousands of journalists would be throwing themselves to do an expose "Pulitzer" prize story on the discrimination duds face. And all MC has to do is send the records of students and FACULTY abusing him. Sue and win.

      • RickyTaylor 5

        Still disagree. You just seem to jump to wild conclusions and base it on how it would work now in our world, when this is not our world. While mine are purely based on world building that's been provided. Author is telling you XYZ is happening and yours saying no Z would never happen cause this would happen instead. For start, who says government cares for duds? Yes you have one policy that will help/affect a very small minority of duds. You could even argue its not in there interest as they still are not super human and as should could well be used as the cannon fodder for fights and they there purely to save few superhumans. Even if you take it as totally positive policy only. There are others that have been mentioned that clearly shown opposite. So you tell me, if theres 1 policy that is kinda useful to small number duds, and at least 2 things i recall off top of my head (job based and police based) that are dissimilatory to them all. How does your logic equal government cares?

      • IgnotusM 8

        Sigh, it seems you, just like the author wants to have your cake and eat it too. Either this world is so discriminatory that duds can't even get justice. Which begs the question again, why MC or any other duds would go to college there. Or it's not that bad, that MC feels safe enough to go to a superhero school. Remember this is a futuristic world with recordings. We know the kids would have gotten in trouble because they killed them in order to silence them. The fact is the villains, even though they have backing, they do not have enough backing to simply murder people. Again, let me put this in a way you might understand. A racist in N*z* Germany is not going to hide their antisemitism. In their world, it's a good not a bad. A Jewish girl going out trying to get justice, they'd just be laughed at and disappeared. While here, in this world, they kill the people to stop them from revealing their secrets. Why? Because there would be negative consequences.

      • RickyTaylor 5

        This is a made up world , we can have a cake thats really breakfast and eat it. Wonders of story telling. As i said, author has made a world up and i believe i understand it. You however clearly dont or unwilling to. As I've said before, this world is nothing like ours and its been through 100+ years of upheaval and you cant assume that peoples mindsets are same as ours now (especially when authoring is portraying the mindsets as diff in first place, you are just choosing to ignore this). Things are not just black or white, there’s this thing known as grey as well. Just enjoy the story or dont and move on.

        Edited: 7mo
      • IgnotusM 8

        I moved on a long time ago. You guys are the ones responding to my comments. Also, just because this is a made-up world doesn't mean logic should stop working. Human reactions should still be logical. If you create a world where a subset of humanity is being openly and broadly repressed, then it becomes idiotic for said group to willingly go to a play where they can be legally abused.

    • MonarchOfStories 3


      Edited: 10mo
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  • TheEndGameBoss 19

    Dam I wanted to start this I really did but then saw that it's been over 8 months since anything had been posted.

  • iblislucy 1

    bru the author dropped alien evolution for dis almost generic revenge story
