The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, and Harem genres. Written by the Author Lin Yuan Mu Yu. 303 chapters have been translated and translation of all chapters was completed.
The End Of The World’s Poisonous Mom And Monster Baby novel is a popular light novel covering Action, Adventure, and Harem genres. Written by the Author Lin Yuan Mu Yu. 303 chapters have been translated and translation of all chapters was completed.
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Ill add this to my library because of zombie appcalypse😂😂😂
I prefer the zombie sister strategy, it made my brain explode, it really came out of a sick thought
Reverse Harems are just cringe, just imagine being the love interest of a female protagonist and accepting other men doing her. Other than the cringeness of this itself is the fact that in the end, they accept it somehow and throw an (The O word :D) and the story will end happily. But the author of this story took it to the next level and even made it so that the female protagonist has a child! DAFAQ?!
if this story didn't involve harem or any other kind of romance, being just a story of mother and son surviving the apocalypse and getting stronger and stronger (with a revenge or another of course)... I don't know, I think it would attract me more . Does she really have relationships with a lot of other men, or is it just a lot of love interests? harens confuse me a lot, I can't like most of them.
Best non human protagonist novel I have read to date, just awesome👍👍👍👍
So she's half zombie... Is her body rotting, falling apart... 'Cause i don't really want to read that...
polyandry should have more stories written, at least as many as regular "harem" tags have
I was to ch 15 She could give a chance to the second ground but with first act to join in the first group which were scum the second deserved a little more their lives. Why she didn't told that she is hight speed medium streght plant user or that is too suspicious. She could mop the floor with those zombies as melee mage but she struggled only to fit in?
The woman in that novel front pic looks like katarina from league of legends v:
I think that a novel should be written in such a way that the protagonist is strong alone and has no moral values. Let it kill the heroes of other novels.