Mob Protagonist Tagged Light Novels
Tag to be used in a variety of situations where the main character assume the role of a unassuming/unremarkable/side character:- 1. The main character transmigrated/reincarnated into a fictional setting that the main character knews (video games, light novels et. al.), as anyone (a major character, a minor character or even an unknown) but the fictional main character him/herself. 2. The main character transmigrated/reincarnated into a fantasy or parallel world as an extremely ordinary character, such as the member of a lower ranking race of the said fantasy or parallel world. 3. The main character starts right away as an ordinary character of a fictional non-Earth world.
The Law of Webnovels
3 years ago -
I Raised the Beast Well
one year ago -
Dungeon Defense
3 years ago -
Harmless Obsession for the Captivating Male Lead
one year ago -
Magical Explorer
4 years ago -
I Don’t Want the Obsession of a Twisted Archduke
3 years ago -
A Trivial Extra in a Dating Sim
3 years ago -
Master of Untold Daos
4 years ago -
I Have Become The Heroes’ Rival
2 years ago