Genre / Category
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Explore The Most Popular Drama Light Novels (Translation Ongoing)
A work meant to bring on an emotional response, such as instilling sadness or tension.
Novels that often show life or characters through conflict and emotions. In general, the different parts of the story tend to form a whole that is greater than the sum of the parts. In other words, the story has a message that is bigger than just the story line itself.
This Damned Thirst for Survival
2 years ago -
After the Disabled God of War Became My Concubine
one month ago -
The Tanaka Family Reincarnates
14 days ago -
Necromancer Survival
yesterday -
Transmigrated into a Parvenu’s Ex-wife in the ‘90s
one year ago -
The Duchess and the Devil
one year ago -
The Tragedy of The Villainess
one year ago -
You Cannot Afford To Offend My Woman
yesterday -
To Be a Power in the Shadows!
2 years ago -
Nine Astra Skies
one year ago -
Marriage of the Di Daughter