Genre / Category
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- Action
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- Drama
- Fantasy
- Harem
- Martial Arts
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- Romance
- Tragedy
- Xuanhuan
- Ecchi
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- Slice of Life
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- Supernatural
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- Josei
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- Shoujo
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- Lolicon
- Gender Bender
- Shounen Ai
- Yaoi
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- Smut
- Magical Realism
- Eastern Fantasy
- Contemporary Romance
- Fantasy Romance
- Shoujo Ai
- Yuri
Explore The Recently Updated Drama Light Novels (Translation Ongoing)
A work meant to bring on an emotional response, such as instilling sadness or tension.
Novels that often show life or characters through conflict and emotions. In general, the different parts of the story tend to form a whole that is greater than the sum of the parts. In other words, the story has a message that is bigger than just the story line itself.
Walker Of The Worlds
8 hours ago -
8 hours ago -
Martial God Asura (Web Novel)
8 hours ago -
The King of Hell's Genius Pampered Wife
8 hours ago -
Marriage of the Di Daughter
yesterday -
The S-Classes That I Raised
yesterday -
Breakthrough with the Forbidden Master
yesterday -
Taming The Villainesses
yesterday -
Necromancer Survival
yesterday -
Martial Cultivator